Painting Trips (Italy & Spain)

Our art group have been organizing our own independent trips to the ARTIST IN ITALY studios since 2010.

A simple account of our itinerary is as follows:

We travel to Rome on Monday afternoon from Dublin airport and travel on to the Tuscan town of Chiusi by mini bus.

We take our day trip, usually to Florence or Siena on Tuesday, mainly to give the group a taste of Italy before embarking on our outdoor painting our adventure on Wednesday to selected sites,

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We finish our paintings on Thursday and begin packing for home on Friday but not before a spot of shopping and lunch at Lake Trasimeno just over the Umbrian border before we say our final goodbyes to Tuscany on Friday afternoon to travel back to Dublin from Rome on Friday night.

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Lake Trasimeno

Accommodation is full board with beautiful Tuscan cuisine on offer each day in the morning, lunch and evening.


Bookings start in early September 2019

For further details please ring or text Eamonn at 085 2337413

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Alternatively you may also like to organize your own trip. All details can be found on their website

Julian’s 5 minute video summarizes it perfectly

ITALY 2010

Our first art trip to Tuscany, Italy in April 2010.
From left to right: Bríd, Maura, Una, Doírín, Una and Clare.
Doírin putting the finishing touches